Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Invite a Friend

The newly elected Toastmasters International President DTM John Lua in the September issue of the Toastmaster Magazine selected the TMI theme of year to be “Invite a Friend”. He makes an appeal to all the toastmasters across the world to invite a friend in other word to extend a helping hand to “Touch to transform”. Fellow toastmasters coincidently our theme is the same. DTM John concludes his view point with this inspiring sentence “If we each invite a friend to join Toastmasters, our organization’s membership will soon double. But best of all, your friend will thank you for the new skills he or she will gain, and your club will benefit from the vitality new members bring.

Let’s ignite our passion for Toastmasters, where leaders are made.
I ask you to join me in bringing at least one of your friends to your Toastmasters club meeting” below is the whole article for the benefits of the readers



  1. To present your friends with a lasting gift, invite them to your club meeting and let them experience an opportunity of life transformation.

  2. let ue remember if it was not for that invitation someone made for us we would have not enjoyed the benefits of TM so it is our duty to fulfill the tostmasters' promise and keep inviting friends
